UIT University

Nisar Ali

Assistant Professor & Acting Chairperson


Department of Social Sciences


 Email: nali@uit.edu

Ext.: 3115

  • – MS (Applied Mathematics) & MPhil Equivalent
  • – NED University of Engineering & Technology Karachi/FUUAST Karachi
  • – Year of Completion. 2023/2016


  • – MS (Applied Mathematics)
  • – MPhil Equivalent (Population Dynamics & Stochastic Models)
  • – MSc (Mathematics)
  • – BSc (Math/Physics/Chemistry)

Area of Specialization:

  • – Applied Mathematics
  • – Data Analysis & Population Dynamics/Modeling
  • – Pure Mathematics

Work Experience:

  • – Assistant Professor & Chairperson, Social Sciences Department.
  • – UIT/ UIT University
  • – FAST-NU Karachi
  • Dynamical analysis & Distributions
  • – Published two research papers on population dynamics and distributions, & one conference article the chapter of conference proceeding published by Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad with collaboration of HEC.
  • – Joint research work with PARC-NSTHRI-Thatta for “Automated Sugarcane Disease Prediction Methods”.
  • Fractal Geometry and data analysis
  • – One international paper published in fractal geometry and data distribution, and one has published in Y category Journal of HEC.
  • – Calculus & Analytical Geometry
  • – Linear Algebra
  • – Complex Variables and Transforms
  • – Differential Equations
  • – Numerical Analysis
  • – Numerical Computing
  • – Multivariate Calculus
  • – Probability and Statistics

Journal Publications:

  1. Nisar Ali, “Fractal Parameters of Slum settlements: Wave Spectrum Analysis”. Global Journal for Management and Administrative Sciences: vol. 3 no. 3: pp. 83-100, June 2022, ISSN (P): 2788-4821, ISSN (E): 2788-483X.
  2. Nisar Ali & Ahmed Farid, “Slum settlements’ Malignancy: Karachi as one of the most Agglomerated City in the World”. Journal of Switching Hub, vol. 7, issue 3: PP. 9-15, SEP-DEC. 2022.
  3. Nisar Ali, “Computing the Urban Sprawl Dynamics Through Fractal Geometry”. Journal of Controllers and Converters, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2019. MAT Journals,
  •  DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3426853
  1. Ahmed Farid, Nisar Ali, Massoodul Haq, “Reliability in systems based on some probability models”, International Conference on Applied and Engineering Mathematics (ICAEM), 2018, Published in IEEE Publisher 2019.

  Conference Publications:

  1. Nisar Ali, Ahmed Farid, “Asymptotic behavior of quantiles through sampling from highly skewed probability distributions”, 11th international conference on Mathematics, actuarial sciences, computer sciences and statistics, 2018
  2. Nisar Ali, Ahmed Farid, Masoodul Haq, “Modeling slum Population of Karachi under Probability Distribution”, 11th international conference on Mathematics, actuarial sciences, computer sciences and statistics, 2018.
  3. Nisar Ali, M. Ilyas, & Ali Khan, “Population Distribution in Mega Cities of Pakistan: Karachi as a Dynamical Urban Sprawling City in Asia” International Conference on “Asian History, Culture and Environment: Vernacular and Oriental Paradigms”, NHCR- QU Islamabad, 2016       

Book Chapter Publication:

  1. Chapter-17, page 862-878, “Asian History, Culture and Environment: Vernacular and Oriental Paradigms”
  • Vol-II, NHCR Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan, 2016.
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