UIT University

Engr. Dr. S Talha Ahsan

Associate Professor & Chairperson


Department of Electrical Engineering

 Email: stahsan@uit.edu

Ext.: 3003


  • – PhD (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) – University of Manchester UK – 2010
  • – MS Electrical Engineering (Communications and Signal Processing) –  The Ohio State University USA – 1996
  • – BSc (Honours) Electrical Engineering (Electronics) – UET Lahore – 1993

Area of Specialization:

  • – Electrical Impedance Tomography
  • – Signal Processing

Work Experience:

  • June 2014-present UIT University / Usman Institute of Technology (UIT), Karachi
  •   Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
  • – June 2013-June 2014  DHA Suffa University Karachi
  •   Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
  • Aug 2004-May 2013  Bahria University Karachi Campus
  •   Aug 2004-June 2012   Assistant Professor
  •   July 2012-May 2013   Associate Professor
  •   (was on PhD study leave during Jan 2007-May 2010)
  • Jan 1997-Aug 2004 Usman Institute of Technology (UIT), Karachi
  •   Jan 1997-May 1999    Assistant Professor
  •   June 1999-Aug 2004   Associate Professor
  •   March 2000 – March 2003   Head, Dept. of Electronic Engineering
  • – Sep 1995-June 1996 of Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Ohio, USA
  •   Graduate Teaching Associate
  • Dec 1993-Dec 1994 Pakistan Steel Mills Corporation, Karachi
  •   Assistant Manager
  • June 1993-Nov 1993 Packages (Pvt.) Ltd., Lahore
  •   Trainee Electrical Engineer
  • – Life Member PEC — PEC Registration number: ELECT 10974
  • – Signal processing applications
  • – AI and Machine Learning
  • – Undergrad: AI and Machine Learning, Digital Signal Processing, Signals and Systems,
    Electromagnetic Field Theory, Linear Circuit Analysis, Electrical Network Analysis,
    Linear Control Systems, Complex Variables and Transforms, Probability and Statistics,
    Communication Systems, Advanced Communication Systems, Digital Logic Design,
    Electronic Circuits
  • – Postgrad: Probability and Random Processes, Stochastic Processes

Career Total: 20 
Journal Publications:

  1. Muhammad Wasim, S. Talha Ahsan and Lubaid Ahmed 2021 A Comparative Study of Curvature-based and Differential versions of Dotter Raster-stereography techniques, KIET J. of Computer and Information Science (KJCIS) HEC recognized Y Category journal) Vol 4 Issue 1 pp: 15-26
  2. Muhammad Wasim, S. Talha Ahsan, Lubaid Ahmed, Syed Faisal Ali and Fauzan Saeed 2018     A comparative evaluation of Dotted Raster-Stereography and Feature-based techniques for automated face recognition Int. J. of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) (ISI / Web of Science’s Clarivate emerging sources citation indexed)  Vol 9 Issue 6 pp: 276-283
    http://thesai.org/Publications/ViewIssue?volume=9&issue=6&code=IJACSADigital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.14569/IJACSA.2018.090640
  3. S Talha Ahsan and H. McCann 2017 Distinguishability-to-noise ratio (DNR), a parameter to determine the discriminating capability of an EIT instrument GE-International Journal of Engineering Research (ISSN: 2321-1717) Vol 5 Issue 01 pp: 68-78  http://aarf.asia/gejer2.php?p=Volume5,Issue1,January2017
  4. S Talha Ahsan 2015 Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) for brain functional imaging Science International Lahore (ISI-indexed, ISSN: 1013-5316) Vol 27  Issue 01  pp: 215-222 http://www.sci-int.com/Search?catid=45
  5. Hina Shakir, S Talha Ahsan and Haroon Rasheed 2014 Performance evaluation of Discrete Wavelet Transform for compression of encrypted color images International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research  (Copernicus-indexed, ISSN: 2229-5518)  Vol 5 Issue 7 pp: 433-438    http://www.ijser.org/research-paper-publishing-july-2014-page3.aspx
  6. S Talha Ahsan and H McCann 2014 Digital phase-sensitive detector (PSD) as accumulator-sampler and its implementation in FPGA Science International Lahore (ISI-indexed, ISSN: 1013-5316) Vol 26  Issue 01  pp: 65-73 http://www.sci-int.com/Search?catid=29           http://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/digital-phasesensitive-detector-psd-as-accumulatorsampler-and-its-implementation-in-fpga(1fa1cc9f-8615-4c5c-9b7d-1e184c7429b1).html 
  7. S Talha Ahsan and H McCann 2013 Fast real-time digital monitoring of signal waveformquality using an FPGA Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

    (ISI-indexed, ISSN: 2040-7459)  Vol 5 Issue 06  pp: 1934-42



  8. A Bryan, C J D Pomfrett, J Davidson, B J Pollard, T Quraishi, P Wright, R Robinson, S T Ahsan and H McCann  2011 Functional electrical impedance tomography by evoked response: a new device for the study of human brain function during anaesthesia,  Pr. Anaesth. Research Society Meeting London, Abstracts, British Journal of Anaesthesia (Impact Factor, ISSN:

    0007-0912) 106 (3): 428-9P    doi: 10.1093/bja/aeq332   

  9. T Quraishi, C J D Pomfrett, J Davidson, R Robinson, P Wright, S T Ahsan, A Bryan, B J Pollard and H McCann 2011 Functional electrical impedance tomography by evoked response: monitoring cerebral auto-regulation during the Valsalva manoeuvre, Pr. Anaesth. Research Society Meeting London, Abstracts, British Journal of Anaesthesia (Impact Factor, ISSN: 0007-0912) 106 (3): 441-2P   doi: 10.1093/bja/aeq332
  10. J L Davidson, P Wright, S T Ahsan, R L Robinson, C J D Pomfrett and H McCann 2010 fEITER – a new EIT instrument for functional brain imaging  J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 224 012025doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/224/1/012025


  11. S Talha Ahsan 2002 Optimal window design IEEE Potentials Vol 21 Issue 5 pp: 40 – 44 (ISSN: 0278-6648)    doi: 10.1109/MP.2002.1166625http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=26303&punumber=45

    Papers in Conferences held outside Pakistan:

  12. H McCann, S T Ahsan, J L Davidson, R L Robinson, P Wright and C J D Pomfrett 2011 A portable instrument for high-speed brain function imaging: fEITER Proc. 33rd IEEE

    EMBS Conf. Boston USA 7029-32   doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091777

  13. H McCann, S T Ahsan, J L Davidson, R L Robinson, P Wright, A Bryan, B J Pollard, T Quraishi and C J D Pomfrett 2011 Preliminary observations with fEITER data underauditory stimulus   Proc. 12th Conf. Biomed. EIT Univ. of Bath UK 135-8       


  14. S T Ahsan, P Wright, J L Davidson and H McCann 2009 High-speed, low-noise digital phase-sensitive demodulation for EIT 10th Conf. Biomed. EIT Univ. of Manchester UK                      http://www.cl.eps.manchester.ac.uk/medialand/maths/archived-events/workshops/www.mims.manchester.ac.uk/events/workshops/index.html


  15. J L Davidson, P Wright, S T Ahsan, R Robinson, C J D Pomfrett and H McCann 2009 fEITER – a New biomedical EIT instrument for OR and ICU applications 10th Conf.Biomed. EIT Univ. of Manchester UK     http://www.cl.eps.manchester.ac.uk/medialand/maths/archived-events/workshops/www.mims.manchester.ac.uk/events/workshops/index.html  http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/eit2009/abstracts/davidson.pdf
  16. S T Ahsan and H McCann 2008 Ensuring safe EIT operation on human subjects 9th Conf. Biomed. EIT Dartmouth College NH USA 83-6       online Proc.     http://engineering.dartmouth.edu/eit2008/EIT_Conference_2008.pdf     p: 83-86Papers in Conferences held in Pakistan:
  17.  S Talha Ahsan Laboratory Manual “Digital Logic Design” ed. 2002 Usman Institute of S Talha Ahsan 2000 Telecommunication technology in the new millennium and developing countries 5th Int. Conference on ‘Technology & Development in the New Millennium’, organized

     jointly by ‘3rd World Science, Technology and Development Forum UK’ and Karachi University,

    on April 24-27, 2000. The abstract of paper was published in the conference abstracts.

  18. S Talha Ahsan 1999 Telecommunications, the millennium technology IEEE (USA) Karachi Section Conference on ‘Millennium Technologies’, held on November 27, 1999. The paper

    was published in the conference proceedings.

    Laboratory Workbooks:

  19. DSP Lab Workbook “Digital Signal Processing using DSP Toolbox & Blocksets in Matlab”by S K Hasnain, Talha Ahsan and Aisha Tahir  2nd ed. 2009 Royal Book Company Karachi
  20.  S Talha Ahsan Laboratory Manual “Digital Logic Design” ed. 2002 Usman Institute of Technology Karachi  

Online Courses Completed / Audited / Attended:

  • – March 2024: ‘Deep Learning’ (Simplilearn)
  • – Dec 2023 – Jan 2024: Two Machine Learning Specialization courses (Coursera)
  • – July-Oct 2023: ‘Data Analytics and Business Intelligence’ (ignite digiskills)
  • – Dec 2022 – Jan 2023: ‘Discrete-time Signal Processing’ (incomplete) (edX)
  • – Aug-Nov 2022: ‘Introduction to AI with Python’ (edX)
  • – July 2022: ‘AI Basics’ (edX)
  • – March-July 2022: ‘Data Structures’ (edX)
  • – Feb-March 2022: ‘Linear Algebra’ (Four Courses) (edX)
  • – Dec 2021-Jan 2022: ‘Machine Learning Foundations – A Case Study Approach’ (Coursera)
  • – Dec 2021: ‘Machine Learning’ (Udacity)
  • – Oct 2021: ‘AWS Machine Learning Foundations’ (partially done) (Udacity)
  • – June-Aug 2021: ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (Udacity)
  • – June 2019: ‘Pre-requisite for deep learning: Numpy stack in Python’ (Udemy)
  • – May 2019: ‘Data Analytics – Introduction to Machine Learning’ (Alison)
  • – May 2019: ‘Introduction to Programming with Python’ (Alison)
  • – May 2019: ‘Introduction to R for data science’ (Alison)

Posters / Presentations at International level :

  • – Poster titled ‘Low-noise electrical impedance tomography for sub-second brain function imaging’ exhibited at the first annual Showcase of Biomedical Imaging Institute (BII), University of Manchester UK, held on November 03, 2009 
  • – Poster titled ‘Digital implementation of functional EIT of evoked responses’ exhibited at the EEE Post-Graduate Research (PGR) poster conference, University of Manchester UK, held on November 12, 2008
  • – Presentation titled ‘Fast digital monitoring of signal quality using an FPGA’ given at the inaugural SIMposium of the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers (WCSIM), held at Glaziers Hall London UK, on March 4, 2008
  • – Seminar presentation to SISP Research Group, School of EEE, Univ. of Manchester UK on Dec 15, 2007.
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